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Exploring Tohoku, Japan

If you have ever been to Japan you have probably been to Tokyo, Hakone, Kyoto, and possibly Osaka (if you like food!) and maybe Hiroshima (one place I have not been and is on my list). On my previous trips I had explored Tokyo, Kyoto, Mastumoto, and Nagano and I...
COVID-19 Latest News

COVID-19 Latest News

With blanket coverage of the Coronavirus across all media outlets, its time that Dream Japan Travel post information concerning your travel situation for everyone planning international and domestic travel. On this page you can find informative links to information...

October 2019 Japan Trip

This gallery is of my latest trip to Japan. I visited Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Shikoku Island, and the Tohoku Region. It was an incredible 18 day long trip where I saw and experienced many wonderful things, met great people, stayed in lovely accommodations, experienced...

The Start to Dream Japan Travel

Happy New Year! It was my resolution to turn Dream Japan Travel into my own business this year and I am forging ahead and doing just that. I am now ready to take Dream Japan and create Dream Japan Travel and start it as my own company which has been a dream of mine...