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Final Documents and Trip Departure

This is the exciting part – the part which all the work has led up to! While your focusing on Packing I will be sending you emails reminding you of the last few details.

Your Final payment will be due 60 days prior to departure or immediately upon approval of your sample itinerary, whichever one is sooner. Once you have made your Final Payment then you can start to keep an eye on the mail (or email) for your Final Documents which we will be preparing for you and shipping to you a couple of weeks before your trip.

Once you have recived your final documents, which will include your detailed custom itinerary, with transfer and transportation information, directions and sightseeing information. You will receive a final packet with the detailed itinerary along with maps, all necessary vouchers and confirmations. We want you to have time to review it and for you to ask any questions prior to departure. We will also set up one last pre-departure phone call once you have your documents in hand.

All that is left is for you to pack, make sure your checked in for your flight and please make sure you arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight to assure you have plenty of time to check bags, get through security (with the New COVID-19 procedures in place it may take longer then you expect) and get to your gate on time!